Category:Peter Brandes. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Jump to navigation Jump to search. These works or works by this artist may not be in the public domain, because the artist is still living or has not been dead for at least 70 years.


Peter Brandes' monumental sculptures and jars can be seen throughout Denmark, and he has decorated a number of Danish churches along with churches in Norway and the United States. In Jerusalem, Brandes' Isaac Vase, approximately five meters tall, stands at the Holocaust

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Peter brandes

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Brandes' art is abstract and often in brown colours. He had his breakthrough as artist in the beginning of the 1980s. He has, inter alia, done artwork on Roskilde Domkirke and mosaic windows in a church at Nordkap and the church Village of Hope, south of Los Angeles. View Peter Brandes’s artworks on artnet. Learn about the artist and find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks, the latest news, and sold auction prices. 'Peter Brandes: Meridian of Art' is the first monograph on the art of Peter Brandes. The book pursues a series of central themes that cut across Brandes' artistic production, connecting and traversing these with lines that the book's author, Ettore Rocca, calls the "meridian of art." Peter Brandes is one of the most significant Danish visual artists alive today.

Visit Dr. Peter Brandes, psychiatrist & neurologist in Pleasant Hill, CA. Are you Dr. Brandes? Sign up for

On, Peter is listed as a successful Artist who  Sep 4, 2015 Danish artist Peter Brandes has crafted four stained-glass windows, each including nearly 1000 pieces of glass, for Cornerstone University's  Peter Brandes – DCA. DKK 329,00. Størrelse: 70 x 98 cm. Peter Brandes - DCA antal. Tilføj til kurv.

Peter brandes

Dr. Peter Brandes, MD is a doctor primarily located in Pleasant Hill, CA, with another office in Pleasant Hill, CA. He has 49 years of experience. His specialties include Psychiatry.

Peter brandes

5.3.1944, dansk maler, grafiker og billedhugger. Efter en ekspressionistisk start tog den autodidakte Peter Brandes i midten af 1960'erne det konkrete, geometrisk prægede maleri op, men vendte i 1970'erne tilbage til det ekspressive. "Because of Peter Villari and his kind, caring team of professionals today we have a home. Peter Villari gave my daughter hope; he gave us help and gave us a future." - Selena "My family is forever grateful for what Peter Villari has done for us.

Brandes' art is abstract and often in brown colours. He had his breakthrough as artist in the beginning of the 1980s. He has, inter alia, done artwork on Roskilde Domkirke and mosaic (colored glass) windows in Peter Brandes (født 5. marts 1944 i Assens) er maler, grafiker, billedhugger og fotograf.. Peter Brandes' billedkunst er abstrakt og ofte i brunlige farver. Han fik sit kunstneriske gennembrud i begyndelsen af 1980'erne på Galerie Moderne i Silkeborg.
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He is represented in the collections of leading museums worldwide, including the  En flot plakat af den danske kunstner Peter Brandes. Plakaten er sendt på gaden af firmaet Gram Tæpper a/s, og har sikkert været en årsplakat for det  En flot udstillingsplakat fra Kunsthallen i København. Udstilleren er den danske kunstner Peter Brandes (f.1944), der både er maler, grafiker, billedhugger og  – Lars Morell, idehistoriker. Af Peter Linder.

Håndteringsspor. Det er børglum kloster kunstudstilling, der tirsdag modtog peter brandes store vase til deres udstilling i påsken. Ur kyrkohistorisk synpunkt ar dlirfor antonios-  A great part of Brandes' ceramic works are inspired by ancient Greek art and mythology. En stor del av Peter Brandes keramik är inspirerad av antik grekisk  Uden titel I - Peter Skovgaard bild.
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Peter Brandes har fra sit ægteskab med kunstneren Sonia Brandes en voksen datter. Er i dag gift med kunstmaleren Maja Lisa Engelhardt. De bor i Asger Jorns  

Peter has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Peter’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Peter Brandes, född 5 mars 1944 i Assens, är en dansk målare, grafiker, skulptör och fotograf..

View the profiles of professionals named "Peter Brandes" on LinkedIn. There are 20+ professionals named "Peter Brandes", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities.

Peter Brandes 1944 - Maleri. Olie på lærred "Ask og Embla" Afbilledet i bogen af Peter Michael Hornung om Peter Brandes, 1987 – side 113.

Peter Brandes aus Mühldorf berät Sie ganzheitlich rund um Finanzen, Vorsorge und Absicherung. Jetzt mehr erfahren!