

2014-05-17 · Posts about Interview Questions written by Rajeev Jha. With Oracle Grid Infrastructure 11gr2, Oracle ASM and Oracle Clusterware are installed into a single home directory known as Grid Infrastructure Home.

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Dba oracle interview questions

Oracle RAC interview Questions. February 17, 2020 by techgoeasy Leave a Comment. This is small compilation of Oracle RAC interview Questions which include both the Oracle RAC specific questions and Oracle clusterware questions. This is good for experienced level Professional. Oracle RAC specific Questions. Question 1.

Dba oracle interview questions

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2020-12-07 · These Oracle DBA interview questions and their answers are prepared by industry experts who have more than 8–12 years of experience in Oracle DBA. Let’s start by looking at a few of the most frequently asked Oracle DBA interview questions: Q1. Mention Oracle DBA Characteristics. Q2. What is Oracle? Q3. What is an Oracle Database? Q4.

4. What is OERR utility ? 5. Oracle DBA Interview Questions, Ahmedabad, India. 3678 likes · 1 talking about this.

a.Recovery catalog is central and can have information of many databases. While in case of nocatalog, control file is used to store the information and it can store for that database only. b. When new incarnation happens, the old backup information in control file will be lost. This set of interview questions for Senior Database Administrators (DBA interview questions) will help you evaluate candidates' skills and qualifications to make more informed hiring decisions. ️ Download The Ultimate Candidate Interview & Employee Onboarding Checklist !