Lifecoach Deck Lists. Search. By Class. By Style. By Type. Neutral Cards. You can select up to (5) cards! Filter. New Updated Top Rated - Week Top Rated - Month Top Rated - Year Top Rated - All-Time. Deck Class Updated Score; LifeCoach’s Midrange Jade Shaman – HCT EU Winter Playoffs


Lifecoach isn’t the first to leave the world of Hearthstone for Gwent. A number of notable esports CCG players have made similar moves to the fledgling Witcher card game. Players have stated, Lifecoach amongst them, their frustration over Hearthstone’s stacked decks and …

Lifecoach and Thijs has been playing a lot of Reno Mage the last week or so at high legend and this is the list they are working with. Some different tech choices to other Reno Mages so it’s worth trying out if you’re enjoying the Reno decks. Lifecoach and SuperJJ streaming from the airport on their way to Dreamhack. Actually with aggro decks, I believe you cannot play with much skill for obvious reasons. Lifecoach and Thijs has been playing a lot of Reno Mage the last week or so at high legend and this is the list they are working with. Some different tech choices to other Reno Mages so it’s worth trying out if you’re enjoying the Reno decks.

Lifecoach decks

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yeah this deck is really tuned to play against more midrange/control decks, it's definitely not got zoolock/faceshaman in mind. Lifecoach, congratulations, man. Lifecoach’s reaction to this double-reversal of luck is about as poker-faced as a puppy finding a hidden cache of chew toys and treats under the sofa. Join in The Witcher universe’s favorite card game! In GWENT, you clash with your friends in fast-paced duels that combine bluffing, on-the-fly decision making and careful deck construction. 2020-07-24 · Find the 10 best gwent decks of 2020, so far, right here. [Top 10] Best Gwent Decks That Wreck Hard!

We've collected 24 of the best peforming decks from this weekend's 2P EU vs CN qualifiers, from European and Chinese players both. See what's hot in China and what will help you do well on the European ladder. Europe's decklits. Those familiar with Western Hearthstone should not be surprised by this collection of decks and builds.

You need to know how to play all T1 decks and most T2 decks well, find one you like for your play style, and then try to master that deck. 2015-06-06 · [Hearthstone] Viagame 3 - Lifecoach Warrior Deck with Patrons.

Lifecoach decks

20 Feb 2016 Of the 48 decks brought to the tournament, there was only one Hunter Lifecoach brought his Dragon Priest against Zalae's Aggro Shaman.

Lifecoach decks

Blessing of Kings is a card that is on the fringe of making it into Midrange Paladin deck lists, and Cairne Bloodhoof is making a rare appearance as Lifecoach improves the deck. LifeCoach took 1st place at SeatStory Cup V, here are the decks he used: LifeCoach’s Midrange Camel Hunter – SeatStory Cup V; LifeCoach’s Miracle Rogue – SeatStory Cup V A 5540 dust deck by Lifecoach, last updated on Dec 25, 2016. We have the decklist, similar decks and the latest guides. How to set up your deck for the next Dr Pepper Allstar Tournament qualifier? Check out Nihilum Lifecoach's Paladin Deck!DPAT 2015 Hearthstone Qualifier:27.06 With Arena being my testing ground for decks that I wanted to go out and buy on paper. To be a good competitive Magic player, you don't need to know how to play one deck really well. You need to know how to play all T1 decks and most T2 decks well, find one you like for your play style, and then try to master that deck.

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Europe's decklits. Those familiar with Western Hearthstone should not be surprised by this collection of decks and builds. 2:28:51 - Mulligan for Game 1 of Hosty v Lifecoach 2:29:36 - Game 1 starts and the coin appears. 2:39:08 - Reflection changes, probably going from title screen to mulligan screen.

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Stories about my life coaching clients and their personal development journeys. Each story carries a message everyone  28 Dec 2016 Lifecoach and Thijs has been playing a lot of Reno Mage the last week or so at high legend and this is the list they are working with.

Here's Lifecoach's latest take on Jade Druid. Head back to the first page for the rest of our top Jade decks, covering all three of the classes involved. In traditional decks this was called Strength. I use the Crowley-Thoth deck and Crowley felt this card needed a stronger name and he decided to call it Lust.