Filmerna är en del i arbetet med att göra platsen Uppsala mer attraktiv. De berättar vad Uppsala har att erbjuda för den som vill besöka, flytta till, eller etablera sitt företag i regionen. Alla filmer finns att se på platsvarumärkets mediabank Där finns också bilder, texter och case som kan användas fritt av alla som vill marknadsföra platsen Uppsala.
Applicants can submit up to three work samples that they have directed in the past five A narrative short film that has been accepted to a top-tier festival (See full Toronto Film Festival (Canada); Uppsala Int'l Short Film Fe
Swedish and international filmmakers and other professionals attend. Enter your films into the festivals where submissions are open Check-out the progress of your submissions (online entry, validation, selection) 1 stamp for each transfer of your video file to a festival via Shortfilmdepot. Price of stamp ranges from €1.50 to €3.00 depending on purchase option (x1, x5, x20, x50) Film submission platforms: We import information from film submission platforms such as Reelport, FestHome, FilmFreeway, FilmFestivalLife, or Withoutabox, of films submitted to Uppsala Short Film Festival. How we use information we collect Enter the world’s best film festivals and screenplay contests. FilmFreeway makes it easy to discover, submit and get tickets to thousands of events.
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With the submission of the film, the festival is allowed to use the film title, credits and the name of the director as well as film stills and film excerpts (max. 40 seconds) for general promotion in the context of reporting on the festival (incl. TV, web, cinema, showreel). Med anledning av regeringsbeslut kring covid-19 (coronavirus) Då regeringen, på inrådan av Folkhälsomyndigheten, stoppat alla allmänna sammankomster med fler än åtta deltagare för att minska smittspridning, påverkas många evenemang, möten och mässor runt om i landet, Uppsala inkluderat. Uppsala Short Film Festival. 10,107 likes · 15 talking about this. The 40th Uppsala Short Film Festival takes place 25-31 October 2021.
31 Mar 2021 Next in line are the Uppsala Short Film Festival (SE), the Short Waves Festival, Dokufest from Kosovo and Vienna Shorts. >I EUROPEAN
The 40th Uppsala Short Film Festival takes place 25-31 October 2021. Website:
A: Films should not have been released in their country of origin earlier than the 20th of November 2017 and should not have opened to the public or been screened at any festival in Sweden. (i.e. Fantastisk Film Festival, Göteborg Film Festival, Tempo Film Festival, Uppsala Film Festival).
Submission fee for the International Competition: Uppsala Kortfilmfestival och Länsförsäkringar Uppsala genomför under 2021 ett filmprojekt med högstadieelever i Uppsala län.
- 7.2. februari 2021 Festival films: Снимка с Юки/A Pi SHORT
Uppsala University Event calendar Film screening: Picture a Scientist Mamduh Halawa, will speak about the mobile application “Zeeds”, which he has
Den mest kompletta Uppsala Filmfestival Bildsamling. Submissions for the 39th Uppsala Short Film Festival. bild. Uppsala International Short Film Festival
He has directed several short films: Bilakoro in 1989, Tobbère kosam (Poussière de Dani Kouyaté teaches at Uppsala University in the Department of Cultural
SciFest - Uppsala's science festival Girl looking through a magnifying glass at an insect. SciFest is a science festival where curious people of all
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Please sign in if you already have an account. Personal details. Name.
De berättar vad Uppsala har att erbjuda för den som vill besöka, flytta till, eller etablera sitt företag i regionen.
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Uppsala Franska Filmfestival äger rum 23-26 november på Slottsbiografen. Sedan 2014 har Uppsala Franska Filmfestival organiseras varje år i samarbete med l’Alliance française d’Upsal och l’Institut français de Suède för att erbjuda ett brett urval av franska och franskspråkiga* filmer till publiken.
Submission fee for the International Competition Uppsala Franska Filmfestival Enjoy part of the festival at home ! Slottsbiografen With English subtitles Postponed Theme: Grow Between the 25th and 31st of march La fête du court … Uppsala Short Film Festival. 10 012 gillar · 8 pratar om detta. The 40th Uppsala Short Film Festival takes place 25-31 October 2021. Website: Meet the 2021 Submission Viewers. We received an unprecedented 4,440 submissions to the 14th edition of GSFF.
Raindance Film Festival. deadline: June 14 th, 2021. entry form: Submission at (September 17 th - 25 th, 2021) Donostia - San Sebastián International Film Festival. deadline: June 15 th, 2021. entry form: Online Submission (August 10 th - 15 th, 2021) Flickers - Rhode Island International Film Festival. deadline: June 15th, 2021
Klicka här för gratis registrering Uppsala Franska Filmfestival äger rum 23-26 november på Slottsbiografen.
Gig poster for Sputnik Club, Uppsala, Sweden. Hang Out Music Festival 2014 by Marek Skupinski, via Behance Serietidningar, Submission to Joint Review Panel Public Hearing on the Darlington New Waste Issue for students at Uppsala University and/or the Swedish University of Thu 11 Mar 2021 - Wed 17 Mar 2021 10th International Uranium Film Festival - two En film om dagen med start idag och fram till 21 dec. Om ni inte redan är i Uppsala – åk dit! vill prova lyckan är det dock brådis – första deadline redan nu på fredag: Stockholm Pride, Pridefestivalen, är en årligen återkommande festival i Stockholm Based on a true story, the film depicts a group of lesbian and gay activists who Föreningen genomförde även demonstrationer i Uppsala och Stockholm under PRIDE Submission Tool enables direct user submissions of protein and Contents: runk filmer svenska sex video Any Profile You submit must be accurate and describe You, an individual person. Vrmlndsk festival i Segmon.