The testing site is open Sunday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm or until the daily test capacity of 1000 tests is met. NOTE: NO TESTING on Sundays, April 4th and 11th. DuPage County continues offering community-based COVID-19 testing at the Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park. Testing is free but limited tests are available per day.


On the same day much of the Chicago area saw its first snowfall of the season, county health department officials announced a winter operations plan for COVID-19 testing. Starting Monday, Nov. 30,

Optum can help. 2020-11-21 · In light of a rising number of COVID-19 cases, DuPage County will be opening a second drive-through testing site, the DuPage County Health Department said Saturday. Get on-the-go testing, vaccinations, and other essential health services, wherever you are. Effective immediately, guests will have three options for demonstrating they are eligible to attend an event, including proof from a healthcare provider of a negative antigen COVID-19 test or full vaccination. Aurora.

Odeum covid testing

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Learn about the COVID-19 vaccine and find vaccine locations near you. Optum can help. 2020-11-21 · In light of a rising number of COVID-19 cases, DuPage County will be opening a second drive-through testing site, the DuPage County Health Department said Saturday. Get on-the-go testing, vaccinations, and other essential health services, wherever you are. Effective immediately, guests will have three options for demonstrating they are eligible to attend an event, including proof from a healthcare provider of a negative antigen COVID-19 test or full vaccination. Aurora.


Most people who get COVID-19 have mild illness and can safely recover at home. And if you need care, our experts are here to help you 24/7.

Odeum covid testing

Effective immediately, guests will have three options for demonstrating they are eligible to attend an event, including proof from a healthcare provider of a negative antigen COVID-19 test or full vaccination.

Odeum covid testing

DuPage County continues offering community-based COVID-19 testing at the Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park.

Use this online tool to find out if you may have COVID-19 and find testing locations. If your symptoms are serious, we’ll help you know what the next steps are. Check symptoms and find testing sites. Text. Get important COVID-19 vaccine information. Protect yourself and your family.
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to 6:00 pm or until the daily test capacity of 600 tests is met. DuPage County continues offering community-based COVID-19 testing at the Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park.

Sites may close due to weather conditions. Aurora 2450 N. Farnsworth Ave. Aurora Mon-Wed-Fri-Sat 8:00am – 4:00pm Auburn, Gresham, Oakridge Assessment Centre 825 Valetta St., London Booking an appointment for an asymptomatic child, education worker or childcare worker? Book online or by phone. If your doctor has recommended a same-day or next-day appointment, please call 519-667-6886 to book an appointment.
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Testing Sites page. For general guidance on testing, please refer to the State of Illinois COVID-19 Testing Guidance (PDF). DuPage County is now offering community-based COVID-19 testing at the Odeum Expo Center, 1033 North Villa Avenue, Villa Park, IL. This is a drive-thru testing site. The test is free, but there is a limited

Stay safe. 2020-11-23 Testing for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is still limited in many areas throughout the country, including Odum. Generally speaking, area hospitals, Odum urgent care centers and some retail clinics—as well as community-based organizations and cities—are offering COVID testing.

The additional COVID-19 testing site will be located at the Odeum Expo Center ( 1033 N Villa Avenue) in Villa Park.

Anyone can be tested regardless of symptoms.

Drive-thru community-based testing site is located at the Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park. Anyone can be tested regardless of symptoms. No appointment, doctor referral, or insurance is required. Click on a test site below to learn more.